The Incredibles is an animated television series based on the film of the same name that Pixar released in 2004. The series follows the exploits of Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, and an all-star cast of characters as they play through the film’s events in more than 20 different stages. Additional foes and locations designed by Pixar but unable to make it for the film’s final cut have also been included. In addition, the voices of Hollywood personalities such as Samuel L. Jackson, Holly Hunter, and Jason Lee lend their support to recapturing the look and feel of the movie.
The Incredibles
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | THQ |
Developer | Heavy Iron Studios |
Genre | Action |
Region | Europe |
Downloads | 12,525 |
Size | 1.2 G |
Released | November 1, 2004 |
4.4/5 (17 votes)
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