The story of Tsugunai follows Reise, a brave warrior who accidentally causes the Goddess of Light to become enraged by taking the mysterious Treasure Orb. If he does not make amends for his transgressions by helping the citizens of Walondia, the Goddess of Light will cut off his soul from his body for all of eternity as a kind of retribution. Because he does not possess a physical body of his own, the only way for him to affect the outcomes of the people’s lives is to have them.
Tsugunai: Atonement
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Atlus |
Developer | Cattle Call |
Genre | Action , Adventure , Strategy |
Downloads | 1,029 |
Size | 538.97 M |
Released | November 29, 2001 |
4.7/5 (3 votes)
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