Zone of the Enders

Zone of the Enders
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Konami
Developer Konami
Genre Action
Downloads 8,831
Size 402.91 M
Released March 2, 2001
3/5 (5 votes)
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In the latter half of the 22nd century, mankind colonized Mars and also established a few settlements in the orbit of Jupiter. They have accomplished this high objective with the assistance of enormous robots that are known as Laborious Extra-Orbital Vehicles, or L.E.V. for short. However, as time went on, the people who lived on Earth began to view the space colonists, who they referred to as “Enders,” with distrust. As a result, harsh regulations and consequences were imposed on the space colonists. At some point in time, a number of the colonists eventually established insurgent organizations, arming themselves with exceptionally potent mechas known as Orbital Frames. Leo Stenbuck, a young colonist from Jupiter, finds himself in an unanticipated encounter with an Orbital Frame that goes by the moniker Jehuty. He possesses a terrifying power; the question is whether he will use it for good or for evil. ..

In the action game Zone of the Enders, the primary focus is on battles between the player-controlled Jehuty and hostile Orbital Frames. These battles take place in space. Jehuty has a variety of different sub-weapons at his disposal, including a sword made of energy, a projectile made of energy, and an energy sword. Jehuty’s armament expands and he gains the ability to learn new powers as the player advances through the game. In addition to being able to hover and fly, grab and throw foes, and employ booster jets to move swiftly and avoid enemy strikes, Jehuty also possesses the ability to grasp and fling enemies. In order to complete some objectives, the player will need to limit the amount of damage dealt to adjacent citizens and buildings.

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