Super Contra II

Super Contra II
Console NES
Developer Fu Zan/Dayou
Genre Action
Region English
Year 1993
Downloads 1,229
5/5 (2 votes)
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A modification of the video game “Contra” that was created by Fuzan Dayou in 1993 and released under the name “Super Contra II” and “Contra 93”, respectively.

Therefore, this game is a hacked version of Contra, and the levels have been totally revamped to make the game far more challenging than the original. Alterations have also been made to the bosses. The objectives of the base levels have shifted, while the levels themselves now take up the entirety of the screen. There are also certain targets that cannot be seen here for reasons that are unclear.

The player now has 5 lives instead of 3, and if they die, they keep the weapon they were using when they passed away.

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