Pokemon Supreme Fire

Pokemon Supreme Fire
Console Gameboy Advance
Developer calistrotic22
Genre Role-Playing , RPG
Region World
Downloads 3,069
3.9/5 (38 votes)
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Pokemon fans have probably heard about the recent “Pokemon Supreme Fire.” Trainers worldwide were captivated by this RomHack, which took the old Fire Red game and added a new spin. The sequel is still in development, and the game’s imaginative designer hopes to take the experience to new heights.


The revolutionary changes that “Pokemon Supreme Fire” made to the classic Fire Red version of the game sparked a gaming revolution as gamers were met with novel obstacles and excitement spread throughout the community. Reddit’s positive reception of the game paved the way for developing a perhaps even more thrilling sequel.


The creator is spared no expense in developing the sequel. The goal is clear: make something better than the first game because the bar was set so high. Trainers should brace themselves for a journey full of fresh excitement and unexpected turns.


Not only do Pokemon evolve in the universe of “Pokemon Supreme Fire,” but so do other species. The game’s constant development and regular updates guarantee that players will constantly be presented with new and exciting material and a reenergized gaming experience. Improved visuals, additional functionality, and a compelling tale are coming soon, and they will leave an indelible impression on every trainer’s journey.


The dedicated and enthusiastic player base sets “Pokemon Supreme Fire” apart. The developer is responsive to player comments, implementing their ideas to improve the game and address any issues. The new installment will hopefully carry on this practice by encouraging trainers to work together and have their opinions taken into account.


Trainers are increasingly curious about the sequel, “Pokemon Supreme Fire,” and the new challenges and surprises it will bring. The flames of excitement are still blazing because of the creator’s dedication to providing a unique gaming experience and the promise of an even better sequel.


  • New Starter Trio: Ekans, Machop, Abra
  • Enhanced Starter Total BST
  • In-Game Total BST Adjustments
  • Ability Tweaks
  • Pokemon Type Alterations
  • Intensified Major Battle Difficulty
  • Elevated Post-Game Battles Post 60 Dex Entries
  • Critical Hit System Overhaul
  • Infinite TM Usage
  • Deletable HM Feature
  • Rough-Skin Mechanic Enhancement
  • Indoor Running Shoes
  • Physical/Special Move Classification
  • Catching Pokemon Yields Experience
  • Nature-Color-Stat Link
  • IV Display Feature
  • Poison Survival Mechanics
  • BW Repel System Integration
  • B2W@ Music Integration
  • Safari Pokemon No Longer Flee
  • Unlimited Safari Time
  • Burn Damage Mechanic Update
  • Paralysis Mechanic Improvement
  • TM/HM Animation Skipping
  • Mandatory SET Battle Mode
  • Accelerated FAST Text Speed
  • Mew Y and Deoxys Obedience Assurance
  • No Healing Items During Battle
  • Pokemon Disobedience at Specific Levels
  • Revised Leveling System
  • Updated Pokemon Cries
  • Move Relearner Relocation to Cerulean City
  • Enhanced Major Battle AI
  • EXP All Boost – 100% More EXP with EXP SHARE
  • Lucky Egg Boost – 75% More EXP to Holder
  • Reduced HM Necessity, Now Deletable
  • Limited EV Training, Vitamins Available at Low Cost

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