The movie Driven, which starred Sylvester Stallone, inspired the video game of the same name. The player takes part in several open-wheel reseals after the action that unfolds in the film. The chosen drivers bring unique skills, influencing how well the car performs. The driver can enter “The Zone” if they have sufficient expertise. When it reaches “The Zone,” the car’s performance reaches its full potential. The game aims to defeat your most hated opponent and claim the title of the series champion. This video game features three modes: arcade, story, and multiplayer.
Console | Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | BAM! Entertainment |
Developer | BAM! Entertainment |
Genre | Racing |
Region | United States |
Downloads | 1,083 |
Size | 1.0G |
Released | March 30, 2002 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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