Pokémon Channel, known as Pokémon Channel Together with Pikachu! in Japan, is a 2003 GameCube Pokémon game developed by Ambrella and distributed by Nintendo and The Pokémon Company. Pikachu-watching helps Professor Oak improve and market his TV network. The game features adventure, digital pets, and simulation. Explore 3D spaces, interact with Pokémon, and collect goods. As a successor to Hey You, Pikachu! and to promote the Nintendo e-Reader, the game was quickly developed using a revolutionary 3D texturing technique. After its 2003 E3 debut, it was announced in Sapporo, Hokkaido, for a month. Japan released it on July 18, 2003, North America on December 1, 2003, and Europe on April 2, 2004. The game sold 66,373 copies in Japan in its first year. It was panned for its inactivity and repetitive sound effects. But its aesthetics and collecting components did better.
Pokémon Channel
Console | Nintendo GameCube (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Nintendo |
Developer | Ambrella |
Genre | Adventure |
Region | United States |
Downloads | 3,381 |
Size | 1.2G |
Released | December 1, 2003 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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