Barbaria, a place previously known for its peace, is now under a curse. The planet is engulfed in a blue cloak of death and disease, and its inhabitants are consumed individually. The person who is to blame is a strong magician named Zaugg, and he has managed to persuade the people across the nation that there is no chance for their continued existence and that his authority is the only one matters. On the other hand, there is a prophecy. The prophecy of a great barbarian warrior who will end the rule of the wizard Zaugg and restore equilibrium to the realm. Unfortunately, who exactly will the renowned warrior become in the future? Is it possible that it is the vengeful Dagan who lives in Dolok? Or perhaps Magnus, Lord of the Undead, maybe even Zaugg’s very own apprentice, Corath, will be the one to end the cruel necromancer. The response is not entirely transparent, but this is where you come into play. Taking the roles of ten distinct warriors, your mission is to defeat the monstrous soul and bring a satisfying conclusion to this depressing and twisted tale. Good luck!
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Titus |
Developer | Saffire |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 2,149 |
Size | 438.03 M |
Released | June 28, 2002 |
4.7/5 (3 votes)
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