Fantastic 4

Fantastic 4
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Activision
Developer 7 Studios
Genre Action , Fighting
Downloads 7,005
Size 2.41 G
Released July 27, 2005
3.6/5 (8 votes)
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This video game is an official licensee of the film “Fantastic 4” from 2005. In the vein of the Onimusha or Devil May Cry series, this third-person action game only takes the base of its plot from the actual movie, then changes it liberally to make for better gameplay. This contrasts with many licensed titles, which take the entire story from the film. The video game adapts significantly more material from the comic books than the movie, particularly about the various antagonists who appear. While the film focused almost exclusively on Victor von Doom, also known as “Doctor Doom,” as its primary antagonist, the video game features several other characters from the comic books, such as the Mole Man, the Puppet Master, and Diablo, to name a few of them. The game’s objective is to guide the heroic title characters through a level while defeating the various foes they encounter along the way. There are objectives to the mission, but in most cases, the only way to accomplish them is to battle the antagonists, and in most cases, the only way to fail to achieve them is to be overpowered by the bad guys. Defeating foes results in the accumulation of points, which can be put toward the purchase of character upgrades that grant access to additional special moves or the unlocking of a variety of bonus materials. The game’s developer, Seven Studios, has also included a co-op mode as a different way to spice things up. This mode allows the standard single-player mission to be played in a tag team with a second player.

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