A completely new story begins as Naruto encounters a variety of obstacles in his mission to protect the Hidden Leaf Village and the other villages in the area from the evil force that is attempting to rule them. An old organization that had been supposed to have been destroyed has been resurrected, and it is currently looking for orbs in order to bring back a mechanical terror. It is now up to Naruto and the rest of the Genin of the Hidden Leaf Village to band together with the Genin of the Hidden Sand Village in order to put an end to this threat.
Naruto: Uzumaki Chronicles 2
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Bandai |
Developer | Bandai |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 6,615 |
Size | 3.75 G |
Released | September 4, 2007 |
3.9/5 (16 votes)
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