Pro Evolution Soccer 2013

Pro Evolution Soccer 2013
Console PS2 (Download Emulator)
Publisher Konami
Developer Konami
Genre Sports
Downloads 25,396
Size 1.26 G
Released September 25, 2012
4.1/5 (38 votes)
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Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 takes the game back to its roots by introducing novel levels of control and placing a significant emphasis on the individual playing styles of the top players in the world. PES2013 now provides absolute flexibility to play any form of ball, which for the first time includes complete control over shooting and first touch. This was made possible thanks to the comments and suggestions of devoted fans. PES will continue to push limits, flawlessly representing the genius of top-level players and capturing the essence of modern teamwork. This game is backed by Cristiano Ronaldo and Neymar, two of the best players in the world. The end product will be a replica of modern football that is spot-on to an unprecedented degree.

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