It has become necessary for an unusual duo, a young woman named Kate Walker and an elderly man named Hans Voralberg, to embark on a journey together in order to locate the legendary Syberian mammoths. As Hans and Kate confront perilous challenges that put their bravery and resolve to the test, you must guide them through their ordeal. In each of the many settings, you’ll come across new people to interact with. The more puzzles you solve, the closer you get to the center of a cosmos that has been forgotten for a long time. You are now in charge of unraveling the secrets that surround Syberia.
Syberia 2
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Beatshapers |
Developer | Semi Secret Software |
Genre | Adventure , Platform |
Downloads | 1,513 |
Size | 3.89 G |
Released | March 30, 2004 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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