Angel’s Present: Marl Kingdom Tales, also known as Tenshi no Present: Marl koku Monogatari, is the third main entry in the Marl Kingdom series of fairy tale role-playing video games developed and published by Nippon Ichi. Tenshi no Present is structured differently from the other titles in the series in that it is divided into five chapters that are not connected, and each concentrates on a particular story featuring a different cast of characters. These stories occur at various points in time over the timeline of the series, including before, during, and after the first and second games. After completing the first five main chapters, a sixth bonus chapter will become available to read. The combat system is identical to the one seen in the game before, including a straightforward turn-based approach. The player can take direct control of up to four “leader” characters, each of which can have up to three “partner” characters. Leaders can be controlled directly. However, most partners cannot be managed this way. The main party may get automatic attacks from its many allies, boosts, and other types of assistance.
Tenshi no Present: Marl Oukoku Monogatari
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Inc. , Nippon Ichi Software |
Developer | Inc. , Nippon Ichi Software |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 1,635 |
Size | 365.16 M |
Released | September 21, 2000 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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