The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Invasion of the Twonkies is a platforming adventure game created in-house by THQ and based on the popular Nickelodeon television program and movie series. This time, Jimmy is seen coming from deep space with an adorable and cuddly extraterrestrial life-form stowed away in his spacesuit. Sadly, the extraterrestrial swiftly transforms into a vicious beast with a ravenous taste for destruction. Jimmy Neutron needs to devise several ingenious devices to capture and control the alien assault as it continues to reproduce. Players canzmos, 11 inventions, and four super inventions, each level. Eachains a large number of secret gimmicks that can only be accessed through specific methods. Jimmy can progress through six episodes and 15 levels with the use of these various devices. Some episodes and stories are Jimmy’s Lab, Twonkus-3, The Neighborhood, Downtown, Retroland, and the Final Showdown.