Grim Adventures (for consoles) is modeled after the same-named series that airs on Cartoon Network. The gameplay is remarkably similar to that of an arena fighter based on Power Stone. In terms of the storyline, one day, Grim’s Mojo Balls are let loose in Endsville, resulting in all the locals developing a supernatural level of wrath. This results in widespread conflict and chaos, and it is up to Grim, Billy, Mandy, and Irwin to determine who is responsible for releasing the balls. Each playable character hasa unique set of actions, skills, and weaponry In addition, each character possesses a Mojo meter, which can be considered a power bar. It is possible to use it to cause significant damage once it is filled, and it is possible to knock out all players if it is filled twice. The game takes place across multiple levels, all destructible, and features a significant number of the main characters from Grim Adventures. Also, it offers a variety of single-player and multiplayer game modes.
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Midway |
Developer | High Voltage Software |
Genre | Action , Fighting |
Downloads | 4,014 |
Size | 431.38 M |
Released | September 25, 2006 |
4.6/5 (10 votes)
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