The novel series, The Spiderwick Chronicles, is adapted from a film of the same name. In this version, the player assumes control of the Grace siblings, Jared, Simon, and Mallory, each of whom possesses unique strengths and abilities. Additionally, the player is given command of Thimbletack the Brownie, whose diminutive size enables them to explore the Spiderwick mansion’s more confined areas. The gameplay consists of exploring the manor house with their characters to complete a series of quests, such as looking for everyday items like hose nozzles, solving puzzles, and fighting mythical creatures like trolls and goblins with unique weapons that are specific to each character, such as slingshots, baseball bats, and squirt guns filled with vinegar. Various quests can be completed in any order. The use of a fairy net allows the player to earn special skills and replenish health by capturing fairies that are dispersed across the levels of the game. Sprites can be found throughout the levels.
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Console | PS2 (Download Emulator) |
Publisher | Lego Media , Sierra |
Developer | Saffire , Stormfront Studios |
Genre | Action , Adventure |
Downloads | 5,643 |
Size | 1.57 G |
Released | February 5, 2008 |
3.6/5 (5 votes)
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