“Space Chimps,” a hilarious action-adventure comedy game, is based on Ham, a mischievous circus chimp. Andy Samberg voices Ham, the proud grandson of the first primate astronaut. Our naughty chimp leads a space expedition to an unexplored planet for publicity. Ham must rescue Titan and Luna, his fellow space chimps, and free the aliens after a crash landing transports him and his team to a bizarre world ruled by King Zartog.
Play “Space Chimps” and unleash your inner chimp. Tumble, jump, climb, and swing through film environments in a hands-on galactic adventure. The game’s authenticity and excitement come from discovering new locations.
“Space Chimps” has multifaceted gameplay. Each level features high-octane battles and mind-bending puzzles. You’ll travel through an ominous inter-universal wormhole with Ham and Luna.
Two-player co-op lets you experience tension, laughter, and heroism in 11 captivating levels. This structure makes exploring the cosmos with a friend fun and exciting.
Interact with old and new characters.
“Space Chimps” is a thrilling space adventure with many returning characters and some new ones. 13 new enemies will test your fighting skills as you play the game.
Nintendo DSTM-exclusive gameplay
“Space Chimps” on Nintendo DSTM offers unique gameplay. Its 3D side-scrolling action and two-player multiplayer give players a new, thrilling experience. In “Space Chimps,” the activity, hilarity, and fun are out of this world!