Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Console Sony Playstation 4
Publisher Konami
Developer Kojima Productions
Genre Action , Sandbox , Shooter , Stealth
Region World
Downloads 1,486
Size 25.12 GB
Released September 1, 2015
5/5 (1 vote)
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Before the technology was developed, the games that were produced seemed to take place in a tiny area for players to explore. They take place in the 2D world with images, and the world is not big enough for players to explore. As technology was released, more and more new games were being released in the open world for players to experience. The open-world is something many players appreciate what it can offer to players to experience. Players are free to experience the vastness and character of open-world games such as GTA V. In recent years titles like GTA V or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt are the names that have opened a new era for open-world games. The game has an exciting storyline, images, vivid sounds, and many other things for players to experience. So Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will bring players not only the story but also a variety of play styles for you to explore. This is the 11th session of the shooting game series lasting 28 years for players to experience. Hideo Kojima – the creator of this game, shared that this is the final piece of the picture.

On the market, many sneaky action games, but none of the games have been as diverse as this. This of the game is expressed through two factors that are equipment, resources, and the independence of the mechanism. The variety of equipment is not that there are many different types of weapons for players to use, but it is related to the use of weapons. The game gives players different weapons to use in many different situations so that players can fight. So the gameplay of the game is very diverse with many fighting styles depending on the weapons you choose.

This game does not allow players to customize the difficulty level; the game will automatically offer the most suitable for players. The game will analyze the gaming habits and the skills of the player to be able to provide the most appropriate level. So depending on your ability that the game will automatically adapt to give a level that best suits.

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