LEGO Jurassic World is an action video game published with the film Jurassic World 2015. The game is based on all four movies in the Jurassic Park franchise. It is an adaptation of a licensed franchise set in a universe created using LEGO bricks, as with many previous products developed by TT Games. The game is divided into 20 stages, five for each movie, completed in order. The play incorporates numerous memorable film sequences and frequently puts a comedic spin on them. The game also makes use of the original audio samples.
LEGO Jurassic World
Console | Xbox 360 |
Publisher | Warner Bros |
Developer | TT Fusion |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 3,165 |
Size | 7.04 G |
Released | June 12, 2015 |
3.3/5 (12 votes)
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