Samurai Shodown Sen follows Suzu, a young European girl rescued from a drowning ship off the coast of Japan, adopted by the Amori Clan, and raised as Princess Suzu. A decade later, she saves Takechiyo, a self-proclaimed martial arts expert, after his ship crashes and he is washed up on the shore; soon after, the tables are turned when Princess Suzu inexplicably disappears, and Takechiyo vows to discover his missing rescuer. Along with Princess Suzu, Takechiyo, and a slew of new characters, a slew of old favorites from the series, such as Haohmaru, Galford, Hanzo Hattori, Nakoruru, and Ukyo Tachibana, have been accurately included, bringing the total number of warriors to over 20. Players may take on any of these distinct combatants on the Xbox LIVE online entertainment network and compete against friends to see who can reach the top of a global online ranking system.
Samurai Shodown Sen
Console | Xbox 360 |
Publisher | SNK Playmore |
Developer | SNK Playmore |
Genre | Fighting |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 2,062 |
Size | 5.93 G |
Released | March 30, 2010 |
4/5 (1 vote)
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