Silent Hill: Homecoming is the sixth installment in the Silent Hill franchise. This time, the player controls Alex Shepherd, who returns to his hometown of Shepherd’s Glen after learning of his younger brother’s disappearance. His search leads him to the fog-laden streets of Silent Hill, where he must search the desolate town to rescue his brother and learn of his family’s dark secrets. The gameplay is similar to previous editions in that the player hunts for things and employs weapons and hand-to-hand combat to battle and defend against hideous monsters while solving riddles to go farther in the game. It has a fresh new visual engine that gives it a realistic, horrific vibe, and music is provided by Akira Yamaoka, who has previously scored for earlier Silent Hill editions.
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Console | Xbox 360 |
Publisher | Konami |
Developer | Inc. , The Collective |
Genre | Action , Horror |
Downloads | 4,326 |
Size | 6 G |
Released | September 30, 2008 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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