Alien Breed 2: Assault is the second installment in the Alien Breed series, and it is an explosive science fiction arcade-shooter with an epic tale, swarms of knowledgeable alien opponents, and highly detailed locations built with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 3. In Assault, the player controls Conrad, Chief Engineer onboard the dying ship Leopold, and fights for survival across the mortally damaged space cruiser. His only hope is to re-ignite the alien spacecraft’s gigantic engines to save himself from approaching catastrophe. Still, to do so, he must survive wave after wave of merciless alien assaults. Aside from the exhilarating single-player narrative and all-new “Survivor” modes, the game also includes action-packed two-player online co-operative warfare modes.
Alien Breed 2: Assault
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Team17 Software |
Developer | Team17 Software |
Genre | Shooter |
Downloads | 1,450 |
Size | 1.33 G |
Released | September 22, 2010 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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