
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher Sega
Developer Platinum Games , Sega
Genre Action
Downloads 14,364
Size 5.9 G
Released January 5, 2010
3.8/5 (18 votes)
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Bayonetta comes from the same people who made Devil May Cry and Resident Evil. It has fast-paced, over-the-top action, cool weapons, demonic hair, and a wild grace.

Play as Bayonetta, a witch with powers we mere mortals can’t even begin to understand, and fight against a huge number of angelic enemies, evil forces, and giant-sized foes in a game with nothing but all-out action. As Bayonetta moves from one fight to the next, she does crazy finishing moves with the grace of a ballet dancer. Bayonetta pushes the limits of the action genre by putting its fast-paced, dynamic climax fight on a stage that is like a theme park full of fun things to do.

Have you had enough of action games that put realism ahead of fun? If so, Bayonetta is just what you need. It’s a crazy brawling beat-em-up game that only the Japanese can make. Take charge of Bayonetta, who is the only thing stranger than the monsters in the game.

Sarah Palin lookalike or dominatrix librarian?

Get ready to face some of the most strange enemies in video games.

Bayonetta’s hair can be used as a big boot attack.

The guillotine is just one of the “torture combos” that Bayonetta can use.

Bayonetta may be a witch, but she doesn’t take any chances when she goes into battle. Not only does she have two handguns, but her stiletto heels are also pistols, and she’s not afraid to use anything from a rock launcher to a Japanese sword and a whip.

But that’s not all. If you avoid an enemy at the last second, you can enter “witch time,” which slows down time. Or, try turning Bayonetta’s hair into a giant boot or transforming her into a panther. The more complicated your attacks are, the more chances you’ll have to use torture combos to do a lot of damage. Any other action game will seem boring after this.

What’s Important

  • Witch girl is the most exciting new game character to come out in a long time. She fights in the third person, and her fights look strange and are very deep.
  • Weapons mistress: You can juggle a wide range of weapons, from handguns on stilettos to a two-handed sword, a magic whip, and even a good old-fashioned shotgun.
  • Hair-raising attacks: Amazing magic moves, like a panther attack that changes shape and hair that can turn into a fist, a boot, or a huge monster.
  • Hurt Locker: If you do enough normal attacks, you can unleash special torture combos and trap your enemies in a deadly guillotine or iron maiden.
  • Capcom might be sad: The latest game from Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Okami, and Resident Evil 2 creator Hideki Kamiya.
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