Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher 2K Games , Gearbox Software
Developer 3D Realms , Triptych Games
Genre Shooter
Downloads 4,257
Size 2.61 G
Released June 14, 2011
3.9/5 (8 votes)
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Please put on your shades and get ready to step into the shoes of Duke Nukem, whose legacy has grown to epic dimensions in the years since his last journey. The alien hordes have returned, and only Duke can save the world once more. Pig cops, alien shrink rays, and massive alien bosses will not deter our hero from achieving his only goal: to save the world, save the beauties and be a badass while doing so. The King of All Shooters returns with enormous aliens and unparalleled levels of engagement.

This game, among other things, puts the pedal to the metal with the tongue firmly in cheek. Shoot hoops, lift weights, read adult magazines, scribble crude notes on whiteboards, or ogle one of Duke’s many attractive women; that is, if you can tear yourself away from kicking ass and calling people names, long enough. Duke Nukem was and will always be a legend in gaming, and this is his story.

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