Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures

Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher LucasArts
Developer Traveller's Tales
Genre Action
Downloads 4,239
Size 3.87 G
Released June 3, 2008
3.3/5 (11 votes)
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Players receive the opportunity to explore the Indiana Jones universe with characters that have been “LEGO-fied” in LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures.

The game focuses on the original films: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Each film consists of six separate chapters that retell the stories in a humorous, light-hearted way that tones down the violence while removing some of the more overtly religious and political references found in the film. The game also includes some of the film’s original characters, including Harrison Ford, Karen Allen, and Harrison Ford.

Also of the sets and props are likewise constructed out of LEGO bricks, and they also maintain the characteristics of LEGOs, such as the capacity to be disassembled and reassembled.

This platform/action game is played from the third-person perspective, and players can control a variety of heroes, such as Indiana Jones, Marion Ravenwood, or Dr. Marcus Brody. The game also allows players to play villains like Belloq and Mola Ram.

Each character possesses a unique set of skills and an arsenal of weapons. The female characters are cancer, academics are ablecanhieroglyphics, technicians are ablecanuipment, and treasure hunters can find buried wealth. On the other hand, Indiana Jones has a whip that he can use to drag goods out of reach. In addition, each character has a distinct fear or phobia, such as of snakes, rats, or spiders, which corresponds to their characteristics.

Story Mode is the game’s primary campaign, in which the player follows the films’ narratives via the eyes of two pre-defined characters and many cutscenes. However, once the level has been completed, the player will be able to return to Free Play mode and swap between all of the characters that have been unlocked. This will give the player access to previously inaccessible regions to gather the other artifacts and bonus goodies.

While playing, the player can earn Lego studs by destroying or building objects. These studs can then be used in the central hub, Barnett College, to purchase more characters and cheat modes. In addition, players can view previously filmed cutscenes, investigate previously unearthed riches, crack codes, or wander around the institution at their own pace.

Along the same lines as the other titles in the LEGO Star Wars series, in addition to the single-player game, a two-player co-op mode allows for the game’s Story Mode to be played by four people simultaneously. Simply pushing a button on the second controller will allow the second player to join the action at any time.


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