“Mobile Suit Gundam,” which features a variety of Gundam Mobile Suits, places players in the latter stages of The One Year War. Players can be a commander of their own Mobile Suit Battalion for either the Federation or Zeon Mobile Suit Assault Force. Players advance through the ranks, gaining access to new Mobile Suits and engaging in battles with more capable pilots at their command. With a battalion at its disposal, players can pursue various strategic options. To succeed, players must understand specific destructible parts on Mobile Suits, vulnerable enemy facilities, and whether or not to engage enemies in either short or long-range combat. Teamwork will also be essential to the mission’s success. If players succeed, their chosen allegiance could be the turning point in the Mobile Suit Gundam war.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Target In Sight
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Bandai Namco Entertainment |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 3,806 |
Size | 1.87 G |
Released | November 13, 2006 |
3.7/5 (4 votes)
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