The most recent installment of the Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm series, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution Rivals Day One Edition for the PlayStation 3, will provide players with a novel opportunity to interact with the expansive and detailed Naruto universe. There are a ton of new techniques, enhanced mechanics, over one hundred playable characters and Support Ninjas, and a brand new exclusive character (Mecha-Naruto) made by Masashi Kishimoto. All of these features can be found in the game.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Cyberconnect2 |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 35,929 |
Size | 6.63 G |
Released | September 16, 2014 |
4.2/5 (97 votes)
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