Beginning with historical heroes from ancient Japan and China, the Musou series has immersed players in various universes, putting them on the front lines of the battle against massive armies. This time, Bandai Namco Games and Omega Force team up to send players on an adventure to become the Pirate King. The settings and characters are faithfully recreated from the manga while retaining the nuance of Eiichiro Oda’s style and colors. Feel the power of the devil’s fruits coursing through your veins as you mow down your enemies with a rubber punch or fireballs.
One Piece: Pirate Warriors
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Omega Force |
Genre | Action |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 8,412 |
Size | 7.81 G |
Released | September 25, 2012 |
3.4/5 (35 votes)
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