Pac-Man Championship Edition DX

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher Bandai Namco Games
Genre Action , Puzzle
Downloads 4,947
Size 248.04 M
Released November 23, 2010
3.9/5 (11 votes)
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The game Pac-Man has always been strange. Consider the original pitch for a moment: an incomplete pizza munches on tablets as it wanders around a spooky maze. Crazy, huh? The gameplay mechanics of the original game are updated for a new generation in Pac-Man Championship Edition DX. Pills, ghosts, and mazes are still the main gameplay elements, making it unmistakably Pac-Man, but the entire idea has been updated.

In contrast to the original Pac-Man, which we assume was more of a puzzle game, Championship Edition DX is a racing game. Although it’s not immediately clear, it starts to make sense after the PlayStation Network game starts presenting you with “Time Trial” difficulties. The focus of Championship Edition DX, in contrast to the original Pac-Man, is on providing the famous scoffer with specific areas of the maze to devour. Specific hallways and paths will house the point prescriptions rather than the entire area. As a result, the gameplay becomes much more concentrated because you are now searching for the optimal path for the next batch of pills rather than navigating the maze to eat all the pills. Everything in Championship Edition DX is timed, so beating previous lap times and figuring out connections becomes the goal. I warned you it was a racer.

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