PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer

PES 2014: Pro Evolution Soccer
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher Konami
Developer Konami
Genre Sports
Downloads 8,683
Size 6.52 G
Released September 20, 2013
3.9/5 (19 votes)
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Everything in Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 revolves around the ball, from how it moves to how players use it. The player can use the analog stick to trap or knock on a pass using Trueball Tech, which features detailed bar-centric physics that determines the weight shift of the player as well as the height and speed of the key, which determines how the player’s body will automatically shape itself to receive it. Trueball Tech gives players more leeway by granting them complete control in all directions within a few yards of them and the ability to shield the ball from opposing players, use deft controls to wrong-foot them and use intuitive methods to master close control. Trueball Tech also gives players the ability to master tight control more easily.

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