Sniper Elite 3, the most recent installment in a series that has won numerous accolades, transports players to the harsh and diverse landscape of World War II combat in North Africa, pitting them against a formidable new adversary. The famed Nazi Afrika Korps have the Allies outnumbered and outgunned, and they are equipped with cutting-edge equipment such as Tiger tanks and the most recent artillery. The intelligence gathered suggests that the Nazis are working on a superweapon in Africa, which has the potential to wipe out any aspirations of success not just in Africa but across the entire war. This is a particularly troubling development. Here is where it needs to finish. You are the deciding factor here because firing a single bullet can alter the course of history.
Sniper Elite III
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | 505 Games |
Developer | Rebellion |
Genre | Shooter |
Downloads | 6,781 |
Size | 4.03 G |
Released | June 27, 2014 |
4.7/5 (4 votes)
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