Ludger Kresnik, a young man and skilled chef who lives in Trigleph City in Elympios with his brother Julius and their cat Rollo, is the protagonist of Tales of Xillia 2. He aspires to be like his brother and work as an agent for the prestigious Spirius Corporation, a large and illustrious corporation developing technology for every imaginable field. He meets Elle Marta, a young girl traveling alone, attempting to reunite with her father in the mythical “Land of Canaan” by chance one day, and ends up accompanying her. His decision to attend her will send the two on a journey that will forever alter the fate of the two worlds.
Tales of Xillia 2
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | Namco Tales Studio |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 11,719 |
Size | 10.93 G |
Released | August 19, 2014 |
4.4/5 (9 votes)
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