The Wolf Among Us is an anthology television series consisting of five episodes based on the critically acclaimed and award-winning comic book Fables (DC Comics/Vertigo). This is a dark, adult, and hard-boiled thriller in which the characters and animals from myth, mythology, and legend are real and exist in our world. There is a lot of violence in this novel. As Bigby Wolf, also known as THE Big Bad Wolf in human form, you will find out that the cruel and gruesome murder of a Fable is just a taste of what is to come in a game series in which every action you make can have massive repercussions. You will play Bigby Wolf.
The Wolf Among Us
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Telltale Games |
Developer | Telltale Games |
Genre | Adventure |
Downloads | 2,832 |
Size | 3.05 G |
Released | October 11, 2013 |
3/5 (8 votes)
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