In the second installment of AM2’s iconic fighting franchise, Virtua Fighter 2, you can return to fighting basics in three dimensions. Feel the famed fluidity of the fighting mechanics and polygon-based 3D graphics that made the game so influential in the arcades and, later on, the Sega Saturn. With the brand-new online play, you may compete against pals worldwide. Arcade-perfect gameplay with brand-new online modes is among the game’s features—all ten of the game’s original characters and settings. In head-to-head competitions, the online vs. method is used. Match mode is played online between up to six players in a room setting.
Virtua Fighter 2
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Inc. , SEGA of America |
Developer | AM R&D Dept. #2 |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 1,279 |
Size | 54.17 M |
Released | November 27, 2012 |
3/5 (3 votes)
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