The anime series has been accurately recreated in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2, and the game completely immerses players in the world of the fabled ninja with new and large settings, quests, fighting systems, and gaming modes. As the game guides players through the story arc of Naruto Shippuden, courageous ninja warriors must tactically acquire the appropriate support characters to ensure victory over any foes. Players can readily unleash more significant and devastating Team Special Techniques when they have the winning combination, allowing them to wipe out adversaries who stand in their way.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
Console | Xbox 360 |
Publisher | Namco Bandai Games |
Developer | Cyberconnect2 |
Downloads | 6,024 |
Size | 6.81 G |
Released | October 19, 2010 |
4.2/5 (16 votes)
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