Call of Juarez: Gunslinger

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Console Sony Playstation 3
Publisher Ubisoft
Developer Techland
Genre Shooter
Downloads 3,714
Size 1.94 G
Released May 22, 2013
4.4/5 (7 votes)
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The fourth main installment in the shooter series, Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, is a return to the setting of the second game in the series, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood, which takes place in the Old West. The player assumes control of the notorious bounty hunter Silas Greaves, and the gameplay may be broken down into three distinct categories: Story, Arcade, and Duel. The gameplay of Arcade consists of moving through a location, eliminating waves of foes, and accumulating a high score by maintaining a combo. In contrast, the gameplay of Duel consists of a series of gunfights between different characters.

In the Story mode, the player completes a series of objectives while progressing through linear levels. The story is narrated by the game’s protagonist, Silas Greaves. The year is 1910, and Greaves is in a bar in Abilene, Kansas, telling stories about his bounty-hunting adventures when the game begins. These cutscenes are shown as a sequence of drawn still images accompanied by voice-overs. After then, the gaming sequences are offered in a flashback format.

On the other hand, Greaves is shown to be an unreliable narrator. When this fact is brought to light at specific points in the game, it immediately impacts the atmosphere, either eliminating or adding new components. The player can also search for Nuggets of Truth, which explains the historical events that inspired his stories.

The gameplay consists of eliminating adversaries and accomplishing objectives to progress. He can utilize his experience points to improve his skills and employ a variety of firearms, including dual pistols, shotguns, and rifles. He has access to these firearms. Upgrades include faster aiming, faster reloading, and other improvements. Skills are organized into three categories: Gunslinger (dual wielding), Ranger (far distance), and Trapper (close quarters). The gameplay consists of dodging bullets through quick time events, using the “bullet time” skill (which is called “Concentration”), and duels between gunslingers that need rapid reactions. It is possible to escape taking lethal shots while the Sense of Death meter is at its maximum charge. Greaves is frequently forced to take cover behind boulders, even hoisted with freedom of movement. A better score is awarded for headshots that result from accurate aiming.

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