The second installment of the Trails of Cold Steel series begins one month after the pivotal collision that altered the course of history for the whole nation of Erebonia. The fast, strategic, turn-based combat with the newly developed “ARCUS” system returns with all the bells and whistles players fondly remember, along with a new Overdrive mode, new means of transportation both across the land and in the sky, new allies, new dangers, and a renewed sense of hope as Rean works tirelessly to right the wrongs that have led to the disarray of the country.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II
Console | Sony Playstation 3 |
Publisher | Nihon Falcom , Xseed Games |
Developer | Nihon Falcom |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 2,965 |
Size | 4.63 G |
Released | September 25, 2014 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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