Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Classic NES Series: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
Console Nintendo Game Boy Advance
Publisher Nintendo
Developer Nintendo EAD
Genre Role-Playing
Region Japan
Downloads 1,291
Size 2.13MB
Released October 25, 2004
4/5 (3 votes)
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The first game in the series has very little in common with The Adventure of Link, the second game in the series. The bird’s-eye perspective used in the prior game has been replaced in The Adventure of Link with sections navigated via side-scrolling inside a more comprehensive global map. The game has a tactical fighting system in addition to additional role-playing game (RPG) aspects. These elements include a system for gaining experience points (EXP), a magic spell system, and more interaction with non-player characters (NPCs). Link has a more significant number of lives than the player does in any of the other games in the series.

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