The sworn enemies of Crash Bandicoot, Neo, and Nina Cortex, have concocted a dastardly scheme to bring about widespread devastation by transforming the animals that live on Crash’s island into horrible abominations. Our orange fuzzy buddy, who was never one to shy away from danger, discovers that with his potent blend of hilarious confidence and daredevil action, he can hijack the enormous monsters and use their vast powers against each other! He was never one to shy away from danger! Bring on the giants, for when Crash is in command, the greater the villain, the better it is for everyone!
Crash of the Titans
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Sierra Entertainment |
Developer | Amaze Entertainment , Radical Entertaiment |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 2,240 |
Size | 10.58MB |
Released | October 22, 2007 |
5/5 (2 votes)
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