An action-adventure video game based on the sequel to the computer-animated film produced by Fox. This action-adventure video game is set in a melting paradise of water parks, geysers, and tar pits, and the Ice Age is ending. Our heroes from the Ice Age also make a comeback in this game. Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth, and Diego the Sabre-Toothed Tiger have returned, and they have concluded that their valley will soon be flooded due to the melting glaciers. Assist your prominent companions in making it to safety in a treacherous environment with Scrat, the saber-toothed squirrel from the original movie, which became a fan favorite. Scrat will dig, swim, smell, spin, and roll his way to an ever-increasing supply of acorns in his never-ending quest. As a result, he ends up playing the role of the accidental hero to preserve the area from a massive flood.
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Vivendi Games |
Developer | Griptonite Games |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 950 |
Size | 12.14MB |
Released | March 14, 2006 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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