The anime and manga series of the same name by CLAMP have been adapted into a role-playing game called Kido Tenshi: Angelic Layer. The plot is a retelling of the tale told in the anime series. However, a significant amount of the exposition has been condensed for the video game. The story revolves around a girl named Misaki Suzuhara, who is twelve years old and moves to Tokyo to attend a prestigious middle school. She saw a big group of people congregating around an outdoor television screen when she arrived in Tokyo. Athena, a champion fighter who appears to be taking part in some sort of competition, has Misaki spellbound with her incredible fighting skills.
Kidou Tenshi Angelic Layer: Misaki to Yume no Tenshi-tachi
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Epoch. |
Developer | Epoch |
Genre | Beat 'em Up |
Downloads | 339 |
Size | 3.70MB |
Released | December 14, 2001 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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