Ninten, a little kid of twelve years of age, is the protagonist of the narrative Mother. Ninten is on a mission to save the earth from an evil race of mind-controlling aliens by traveling worldwide and collecting eight tunes using his psychic abilities. Ness, a little child with psychic talents, is the protagonist of the novel Mother 2, which follows his adventures as he travels the world to retrieve eight tunes to stop an evil extraterrestrial from enslaving all of reality to the dread of an endless night of darkness.
Mother 1 + 2
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Nintendo |
Developer | Ape , HAL Laboratory |
Genre | Role-Playing |
Downloads | 1,304 |
Size | 3.80MB |
Released | June 20, 2003 |
3.2/5 (14 votes)
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