Adaptation of the Shonen Jump manga into a playable action game This sequel to the first Naruto game for the Game Boy Advance (the second game was a significantly different simulation/adventure) has characters twice as large and three times as many stages as the first game. The action has been simplified, and it now has incredible energy. The players can beat the scrolling stages by transforming into Naruto, Sasuke, or Sakura and utilizing the talents of those characters. The two-player cooperative mode and the four-player fighting mode in this game use the link cable to connect players.
Naruto: Ninja Council 2
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | D3 Publisher |
Developer | Aspect Digital Entertainment |
Genre | Action |
Region | Japan |
Downloads | 2,310 |
Size | 3.64MB |
Released | October 10, 2006 |
4/5 (8 votes)
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