The latest installment in the Street Fighter Alpha series, Street Fighter Alpha 3, boasts the most extensive roster of any Street Fighter game to date, with 31 playable characters. E. Honda, Blanka, Vega, Cammy, T. Hawk, Dee Jay, Juni, and Juli are among the returning cast members reimagined as new characters. Cody, a former character from Final Fight who appears to have spent the time after the release of the last Final Fight game incarcerated based on his attire, Karin Kanzuki, and Rainbow Mika are among the most recent additions to the roster of combatants. Adding additional game modes such as World Tour, Arcade, VS, Training, and Entry is the primary distinction between this Alpha and the two previous iterations.
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Console | Nintendo Game Boy Advance |
Publisher | Capcom |
Developer | Crawfish |
Genre | Fighting |
Downloads | 4,527 |
Size | 6.76MB |
Released | December 4, 2002 |
3.4/5 (14 votes)
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