Ben 10: Protector of the Earth is an action game based on the Ben 10 cartoon series. The plot follows Ben Tennyson’s adventures after discovering a watch-like device called the Ominitrix, which allows him to transform into various aliens with unique abilities. Fourarms, a big brute who excels at close combat; Fireblast, who can torch his enemies with fireballs; XLR8, a superfast speedster; Cannonball, who can turn into a metal ball; and Wildvine, who can stretch his limbs to reach new places, are the aliens Ben can transform into. The player can use three types of attacks: light, heavy, and special moves, as well as various combos. The game has over 14 levels and takes you to places like the Grand Canyon, San Francisco, Seattle, and Mt. Rushmore.
Ben 10: Protector of Earth
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | D3 Publisher |
Developer | High Voltage Software |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 16,260 |
Size | 560.3 M |
Released | October 30, 2007 |
3.8/5 (36 votes)
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