The narrative kicks off on September 11th, 2018, this year. Hayato Hino is currently a senior at Ryuusei Academy in Tokyo, where she attends Ryuusei Academy and is a member of the school’s Second Science Club. On that particular day, he goes to the school’s roof to practice using his “Dragon Unit,” a flight pack. Suddenly, just as he is about to put it to the test, he sees a girl rappelling down from the sky while wearing something very similar. He tries to save her but is ultimately unsuccessful and dies. However, a few moments later, he realizes that he has gone back in time just a few seconds earlier, even though he has no memory of doing so, and that the same thing happened during that time.
Code 18
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | CyberFront |
Developer | CyberFront |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 1,094 |
Size | 1.03 G |
Released | September 29, 2011 |
4.3/5 (3 votes)
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