Aspashia is a majin princess who resides in the EVUU magical country. Her magic vanishes one day, and her father, the king, claims it’s because her mother was human. Aspashia discovers that to regain her magic, she must travel to Earth and grant the wishes of humanity. She will receive a modest amount if she grants little wishes, but to receive a significant amount, she must grant true, meaningful wishes. People, however, keep these wishes hidden, so it will take her time to figure them out, time that she cannot use to grant little wishes. Aspashia has a limited time to regain her power, or she will be forced to live as a human for the rest of her life.
Desert Kingdom Portable
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Idea Factory |
Developer | Design Factory Co. , Ltd. |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Downloads | 341 |
Size | 662.82 M |
Released | February 21, 2013 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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