Monsters were an infrequent occurrence for humans living in the tranquil land of Veldime. Before that time, however, Zenon, the Overlord, had cursed the ground and everyone who lived there. As soon as the curse was activated, the people became monstrous beings and began destroying the world. Adell, the only human being still alive, is the only one who can stand up to the oppression of Overlord Zenon and bring peace and tranquility back to Veldime. The players of Disgaea 2 will assume the character of a teenage warrior named Adell and go through the Netherworld to defeat Zenon, an evil overlord. The battlefield will be a three-dimensional grid, and combat will occur there. During the battle, players and enemies will switch roles and take turns moving and attacking one another.
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | NIS America |
Developer | Nippon Ichi Software |
Genre | Role-Playing , Strategy |
Downloads | 2,445 |
Size | 456.83 M |
Released | September 8, 2009 |
5/5 (1 vote)
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