In the world of God Eater, Earth has been destroyed by a race of mutated beasts known as the Aragami. The last hope for humanity’s survival against these monsters is the Jinki weapons and the God Eaters that wield them. The players will design their heroes and engage in combat against more than 35 distinct sorts of foes to uncover objects that can be used to customize their arsenal of weapons, firearms, bullets, and shields to improve their physical prowess and endurance. A one-of-a-kind predator mode will offer the game a new layer of strategy. In this mode, players can change their Jinki into a beast to receive a stat increase and special bullets that can be used to launch powerful attacks alone or with up to four other players.
God Eater
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Entertainment |
Developer | Shift |
Genre | Action , Role-Playing |
Downloads | 4,476 |
Size | 304.98 M |
Released | February 4, 2010 |
3.6/5 (5 votes)
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