The fifth installment in the Gundam Battle video game series is Gundam Assault Survive. It goes beyond the Universal Century and into other universes’ versions of the Gundam series, a significant departure from its predecessors. Mobile Suit Gundam F91, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, and the initial season of Mobile Suit Gundam 00 will all be a part of the campaign, and Mobile Suit Victory Gundam is going to contribute to MS. The video game was made available to the public in Japan on March 18th, 2010.
Gundam Assault Survive
Console | Sony PSP |
Publisher | Bandai Namco Games |
Developer | ArtDink |
Genre | Action |
Downloads | 1,605 |
Size | 664.79 M |
Released | March 18, 2010 |
4/5 (2 votes)
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